That’s not what we mean, [insert governor here].
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BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Dems Save The Day, Government To Stay Open
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Weld County Gerrymandering Case Pushes The Boundaries Of Home Rule
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: bullshit!
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Friday Open Thread
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Excellent article in yesterday’s Denver Post (March 18) on the state of public funding for basic services in El Paso County: “Pikes Peak region on brink of fiscal crisis”.
It’s a shame that you have to go to a Denver paper to get the “true” story of what is really happening in the Colorado Springs area since the Gazette refuses to run articles that are counter to it’s strict libertarian doctrine – we can’t tell people there is a financial crisis in the local area because then they might want to do something about it. And it’s interesting that the local forum, discussed in the Denver Post article and held last night, was covered by all of the local media, except for the Gazette who refused to send a reporter.
This is the same Gazette that refused, for years, to report on Doug Bruce’s abusive tactics and temper tantrums because it would have shown his true colors. And the same Gazette that gave Bruce two days of free editorial space just prior to the County Assembly. It’s only now that the Gazette has to report on him because the Denver media won’t give Bruce the same pass that the Gazette historically has.
There’s a local rumor that the Denver Post tried to buy the Gazette a couple of years ago – if only that could have happened.
our so-called “right wing” talk station has been talking about the local governments need for increased revenue. The Gazette hasn’t been a good source for news for quite a while now. I don’t think the Post becoming the only publisher for news on the front range would be good for things, but we could use a good competitive daily here.
predicted that revenues would collapse with the rise of the Internet.
He told the 21 family members who own the paper that they should sell ASAP,
before potential buyers realized how bad it could get.
I’m an old guy with a bad memory,
but IIRC the paper was generating about $250 Million in profit annually, almost $1 Million a day.
I think it’s closer to $40 Million now.
The cousins couldn’t agree on anything, and I believe they held the bag throughout the collapse,
and still hold it today.
When I read the amount the paper earned, I was struck.
Every year they have a charity drive to fill an empty stocking.
It’s on the front page from Thanksgiving to Christmas.
They typically donate about $70K of their own,
and spend at least that much trumpeting their charity and good will.
Sour grapes ? You bet.
In 2006 they only covered one event for candidates for Congress other than the front runners.
They never once said anything about the plan to be out of Iraq in 60 days.
Perhaps Freedom in total was generating that figure, but the Gazette Telegraph NEVER.
It was for the entire franchise, including the OC Reporter and ? I forget what else.
“Today, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said that Iranian operatives are “taking al-Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back” – despite the fact that Iran is a Shiite nation and al Qaeda are Sunni fighters. Responding to reports of McCain’s factually inaccurate claim, the McCain campaign released a statement attempting to paint the senator’s fundamental error as an isolated slip of the tongue:
In a press conference today, John McCain misspoke and immediately corrected himself by stating that Iran is in fact supporting radical Islamic extremists in Iraq, not Al Qaeda – as the transcript shows. Democrats have launched political attacks today because they know the American people have deep concerns about their candidates’ judgment and readiness to lead as commander in chief.
The fact that McCain made identical remarks on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show as well makes it clear McCain did not simply “misspeak.” What’s more, McCain corrected himself only after Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) “stepped forward and whispered in the presidential candidate’s ear.”
As I’d trust a Clinton Presidency.
“I do”?
Can you post a copy of the complaint Jared Polis said he was going to file against Will Shafroth charging him with criminal violations?
Will stepped up and not only posted his complaint but personally signed his complaint against Polis.
I know the Polis campaign thinks this should only be a 24 hour story. Unfortunately, if he actually filed a complaint the FEC will investigate and make a decision. That will take more than one day.
Hate to break it to you but I’m not a member of the campaign so I don’t have any inside track on anything.
ps – Also even thought I’m an Obama delegate, I have no inside track with that campaign either.
Polis should either produce the complaint against Shafroth or apologize?
The question was about a quote from Clinton regarding the current political dynamics in Iraq and Iran. Nice try though.
It’s no laughing matter that McCain would love to not only keep our military in Iraq for a long time to come, but is perfectly willing to start a war with Iran.
Chuckle away.
Lots of good material out there. Just wait until August…
You can laugh at the funerals of the 4000 dead and the hospital wards where thousands lay maimed for life. It’s all a political game for you. Pathetic.
I’m laughing at you. I was laughing at the fact that you asked me for something ridiculous that Hillary had said, and to me, that represents a huge target.
It has nothing to do with dead soldiers that you could give a shit about.
You probably flinked English,
it would have been apropos. Should have gone with that.
David and Phoenix – NO LAUGHING!!! IT’S NOT FUNNY!!!
Not that difficult to do, at least in passing. After all, they’re both bad guys.
It’s a hell of a lot less embarrassing than denying either group exists at all, which is the far-Left MO these days.
He did it 3 seperate times in the last couple of days. Is alzheimer’s, ignorance or willfull obfuscation?
Yokel those groups represent fundamentally different strategic threats.
I once dated this girl and we went to her house for thanksgiving. We ended up playing pictionary. On one turn she kept drawing clues that made me guess “Germany”.
When the clock ran out she says “You were so close” I look at the word–“Russia”. I say “why did you keep drawing things that related to germany?”
Her response “Germany, Russia–Same thing”
Had to break up–couldn’t handle the stupidity.
I expected more from McCain than I did from a 20 year old girl.
The Middle East is complex and “they all look alike” thinking does not help address the strategic reality
then you obviously had different interests than I displayed in my own misspent youth.
(I was a chess player 😉
Better than denying that Russia and Germany even exist.
Also, the line is not as clear as one might think. After all, when you consider which nation is the world’s leading state-sponsor of terror (Iran) and the world’s leading terrorist group (al Qaeda), it’s hard to realistically believe there’s no point where they overlap.
Come on, I thought you guys were all about “gray areas.”
When the Hard Left admits that both AQIZ and Special Groups are in Iraq and are threats to continued success in Iraq, talk to me about name confusion. I think one’s a little more serious than the other.
What is success?
I’m serious. If I know your definition I can address the issue.
As to Iran and Al Qaeda–there is NO overlap, they represent fundamentally different ideologies. Can they have momentary truces? sure, just like Hitler and Stalin had truces, but make no mistake Al qaeda and Iran are implaccable enemies.
Iran is a strategic threat and our assnine foriegn policy handed them Iraq. We’ve already lost that battle when Awhoswhathisname can parade around to cheering crowds in Iraq and our politicians have to sneak in. Staying there longer isn’t going to change that.
I don’t see any good outcome in Iraq, but after we leave, Iran won’t let AQIZ survive a week (and yeah that probably means genocide)
Meanwhile al qaeda and the taliban are reconstituting in afghanistan/pakistan and we do not have the military muscle to do anything about it because we wasted our own in Iraq and exhausted our goodwill with those who could help.
Iran is a problem, but as a state there are many ways to check them. There is only one way to deal with Al qaeda and it takes two things: one deny them a friendly muslim street and two kill the terrorists. We ain’t getting either done where it counts.
shouldn’t he at least be able to remember who we hate and who we have to kill ?
It’s really best if you don’t pay that much attention to who your country is fighting.
We’ve always been at war with Eurasia.
You’re on report.
Then they switched sides and went to war with Eastasia.
We never switch sides. We have always been at war with whoever we’re at war with now. All references, obviously erronous, to whoever we were at war with yesterday go down the memory hole.
You are in serious need of political reeducation, Phoenix.
And, it is a refreshing, substantive, and practical plan for getting us out of this Republican Iraqi war.
“Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue State nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest threat we face.”
The $3 Trillion dollars wasted, 4000 American lives lost, tens of thousands Americans wounded….matters a great deal here.
And she was wrong. And so are you. Now you have something in common with her. Congratulations.
That you must have disagreed with her in 1998 when she said this. After all, she was only helping McChimpy Bushitler Halliburton control the….
There were weekly protests in Denver (and I’m sure many other cities) by those who disagreed with the Clinton policies of sanctions and bombing against Iraq. However, they tended to go unnoticed amidst all the irrational exuberance and coverage of the president’s extramarital activities.
I wasn’t one of those protesters, but I never saw the threat of Saddam Hussein as relevant to the US proper. It was always a geopolitical game played by an amoral cadre; it’s just that the Bushites turned it from a morally questionable exercise to one that is outright destructive, both to the nation of Iraq and to our own nation.
how did you like the play ?
I disagreed with her and with Bill Clinton on a great many things, including their handling or complete failure to handle Rwanda.
See, that’s the difference between being a Democrat and being a rabid thug, such as yourself. We Dems tend to think for ourselves and do not fall in line, like little Brownshirts, with the party line.
Thanks for assuming.
is that matters of foreign policy don’t change much, no matter which party has the upper hand. It’s sad because it has beem proven short-sighted time and time again but doesn’t get corrected.
Any, and I mean ANY CEO who did this would be FIRED!
“At the outset of the Iraq war, the Bush administration predicted that it would cost $50 billion to $60 billion to oust Saddam Hussein, restore order and install a new government.” Now, five years later, the Pentagon says the cost of the war is “roughly $600 billion and counting” while economist Joseph Stiglitz “pegs the long-term cost at more than $4 trillion,” which he calls an “excessively conservative” estimate.
h/t ThinkProgress
In 2003 Bush said Al Qaeda was in Iraq and we had to invade.
In 2008 McCains says Al Qaeda is in Iran.
” we are seeing disturbing signals that Iran is building up blah, blah, blah ”
They have been selling this for a while now; however after Iraq most aren’t buying.
…will get a raise and then a golden parachute.
Bush won’t get the raise, but he has the golden parachute.
Running companies into the ground and walking away with more boodle is the modern Republican strategy.…
The Rev and Rezko too
in smoke and mirrors. They are intellectually bankrupt (McCain parroting Bush is a perfect examply of these brilliant minds) who would rather tell people what to be afraid rather than being brutally honest and open with them.
I think 2006 proved the American people aren’t as dumb as republican’ts think they are.
Rahm Emanuel has an editorial in the Wall Street Journal about creating a new “New Deal.” I thought the Dems said our debt was too much, but they want to tax and spend like crazy? Doesn’t make sense to me.
Good thing W is keeping all that spending in line. Better that we have a gimmick too, assume all Americans are blithering idiots, and not raise taxes to cover the unprecedented orgy in spending for the war in Iraq.
Hell, at the beginning of the war Paul Bremer even filled up an entire fucking cargo plane with cash for handouts ! Is there any accounting for one penny of that cash. No, there isn’t my friend.
Just borrow from China and throw our country down the toilet. Yuk, yuk, I’ll be out in a year anyway and pass the crap sandwich on to someone else to fix !
Republican conservatives have lost the mantle of fiscal conservatism long ago. You don’t have a leg to stand on, so don’t pretend to be outraged by the cost for a “new deal”.
Your like-minded bretheren have screwed the pooch and reduced the power and prestige of our country in the process, so when you cry wolf about some new government program I’m afraid no one is there to listen.
… goes to war, and racks up an extra few trillion on the national credit card and you’re complaining about raising taxes to pay off our debts before they’re compounded and handed off to our children?
At a time when our government is “investing” billions to keep the petroleum economy humming, isn’t is wise to think about investing in new energy technologies to free ourselves from dependence on unstable foreign governments?
And isn’t it time we began to address the infrastructure problems we have created in this country by chronic under-funding?
Perhaps you can think of it as a “Contract for America” instead of a “New Deal”, if it offends you less that way. The fact of the matter is, we have critical issues that need to be addressed, and burying your head in the sand thinking happy thoughts about a government that runs without taxes won’t change it.
“don’t tax but keep spending like drunken sailor.”
Jeez, you goose steppers just don’t get it, do you?
Modern Dems, as a generality, got it figured out after Johnson. True fiscal conservatives in the sense of a balanced budget. Look what Clinton did without ONE Republican vote in Congress.
Tax money is spent within. It circulates, jumps the economy. We need to rebuild our infrastructure. If the government hadn’t built the Grand Coulee Dam, we would not have had a fraction of the electricity needed to refine aluminum ore to build all those planes in WWII. The gifts that keep on giving.
(Recognizing that nowadays a lot of tax money will go to overseas companies and US shell firms with “headquarters” in the Bahamas, etc. All it would take is a spine in Congress to change that…… )
The prosecution asked for an extension of time to file a fairly short document with the Court of Appeals.
That likely means that serious plea negotiations are going to take place or are taking place. My bet $50 million in forfeited assets six months jail and six months home confinement.
shockingly conceited, habitual liar, pathologically criminal.
I never met any of the other Big proto-sox criminals, but if he gets off with only 6 months in the clink, I’ll be pissed.
I made a lot of money for my shareholders off of qwest, but Robin, the CFO, was lying to me, at Nacho’s direction, everytime I checked in with them–I’m used to obfuscation and silence but the bald face lie must be punished in financial crimes.
Granted, a small pile. I wish I had more to invest when I did.
Because of his “management” of Qwest, I was able to scoop up shares at three cents over the absolute bottom, $1.12.
Wait five (?) years.
Sell at $10.50, approximately.
Sorry my profit came on the backs of Mountain Bell/US West/Qwest employees.
The first person is a Dem. The second is my mom [R].
Ronald Reagan!
The Gipper even has his very own fundraising page for Obama! This is proof that Obama holds the exact same political ideology, religious values, share the same favorite baseball teams and prefer the exact same type of music and films as… Reagan?
Obama’s campaign responded to Sean Insanity’s smear job today:
Hannity is pathetic. On the 5th Year anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq, Sean thought this smear-job was more important than our soldiers, their families and the Iraqi’s.
…got RR’s style down pat.
Folksy, chatty, reinforcement of thoughts.
IIRC, the Reagans are no Bush fans. Starting with Reagan/Bush 1980 to the present.
So, maybe the write was, indeed, channeling.
or how Babbs went out of her way to be rude to the Reagans in Jan. ’89, in the days leading up to Daddy Bush’s inauguration